over the direction of your life,

without sacrificing what you've worked so hard to build. 



over the direction of your life,

without sacrificing what you've worked so hard to build. 







Helping those who seek to rediscover what lights them up, reconnect with their true purpose and reclaim their lives for themselves.

You're anxious, exhausted, and constantly in survival mode.

You feel a constant tension between your personal and professional life.

You want to strike a better balance between excelling at work and enjoying your personal life…instead, you’re tethered to your inbox and feel guilty you can’t be more present at home.


Somehow, you've unintentionally given over control of your own life. 

Social conditioning, others’ opinions, and conventional definitions of success have dictated your path for
so long that you’ve lost track of your true path. 

You’re a highly ambitious, overachieving woman... but you're f*cking exhausted. 

You’ve worked hard your whole life, played by the rules, checked all the boxes.

Your work-life balance is out of whack, and with the competing priorities, you feel like you’re failing at all of it. 

Your inbox rules your life, and you have no control over your schedule.

You’ve lost your motivation, and it feels like you’re just going through the motions.

You want something to change... but you don't want to compromise any of what you've worked your ass off to achieve.

(That degree was expensive.)

I see you, lady.

I see you because I was you.

And I know that you know...

it's time to pursue a different path. 

My mission as a coach and motivation expert is to show women how to defiantly succeed in spaces designed for them to fail.

 I empower even the most exhausted professional women to cultivate sustainable balance by finding deep contentment in their personal lives and meaning in their work.  I teach them to challenge busy-ness as a status symbol, understand that their worth is more than their work, and to set boundaries without fear of punishment...

so that they can give hustle culture the middle finger and reclaim their A-game.

“When I began working with Meg, I was lost and terrified for the future. It would be enough to just find a job I could tolerate for 30+ years. But Meg knew that my life was meant for more than that: I could find great fulfillment in ALL aspects of my life. Together, we uncovered my true priorities, without the influence of other’s opinions and my own fears. I am now embracing my most authentic self and setting ambitious goals with every intention of reaching them. Meg gave me the tools for meaningful change, but more importantly, believed that I was worth it.”

- N.E.R., Educator

“Our session gave me space to think and visualize where I wanted to see myself professionally… and I realized that I was held back by my own thoughts, which made me fear change or think that this vision of the ideal work life balance was not possible - it was simply an ideal that couldn't be achieved. Our session made me question those negative thoughts and consider that my vision could become a reality. I succeeded! I am taking on a new role that will allow me professional autonomy, give me a 4-day work week and a higher salary! Prior to the session, I thought what I wanted was "too good to be true."

- Midge, Senior Director, Center for Community-Based Research

"I've come to Meg many times, and she never ceases to amaze me and help me feel so much lighter with a clear sense of what to do next. She helped me work through boundary setting and not only did it help with that particular issue, it helped me see some persistent patterns in my other relationships as well that will help me in a big way! She's amazing, and I will definitely be working with her again!"

- Audrey, Senior Researcher, Public Health Organization

Hey there!


I’m your favorite weird aunt who wildly supports everything you do... but will absolutely call you on your own bullshit ; )

I am also a motivational psychologist and life coach for high-achieving women who struggle to find the time and energy to do it all. 

I spent over a decade as a policy researcher and evaluator for high-profile clients like the NSF, NOAA, and the US Department of Education. In that time, I personally witnessed dozens of overachieving, ambitious women reach the top… only to collapse in exhaustion while shouts of “She should have done more self care!” echoed in the emptiness around her. 

I was that woman, so now my mission as a coach and motivation expert is to show other women how to defiantly succeed in workplaces designed for them to fail. I empower even the most exhausted professional woman to find deep contentment in her personal life, challenge busy-ness as a status symbol, and set boundaries without fear of punishment so that she  can give hustle culture the middle finger and reach her fullest potential.

When you work with me, you'll find:


  • Explore what you really desire, rescuing that vision from beneath layers of social conditioning and the opinions of others. No more blindly striving for "more." 

  • Revive your creative spirit and reconnect with your wildest, most authentic self. You'll define who do you want to become.

  • Identify the assumptions about what is possible for you that have been holding you back—and then break through them. 


  • Identify where your resourcestime, energy, attention, money, spaceare misaligned with your vision by tracking where they really go.

  • Combat thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that no longer serve you, such as people-pleasing and overworking.

  • Create strong, positive habits using approaches that are backed by psychological science.

  • De-mystify and build the systems and boundaries that you need in place so that you can align your resources in support of your vision.


  • Reclaim control over the direction of your life, and assume your rightful position as CEO of your own life.
  • Rediscover your unique true path, and learn to weave your unique skills, experiences, and passions to create a sustainable work-life balance as you travel it.
  • Cultivate the confidence you've always admired in others by learning to listen to your intuition, and developing radical self-trust so that you can always have your own back.

  • Reconnect with the magical, meaningful vision you once had for your one wild and precious life.

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Whether you're seeking some tips and tricks on how to confidently navigate change, or you want to achieve your biggest, juiciest goal, this is where you will find it. My newsletter (aka, love letter) is jam-packed with insights and tips for how to embrace change and live a wildly authentic life.